This 34-page publication from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) discusses trends in information and communication technology on the continent of Africa. From the preface: “[International Telecommunication Union] ITU has been measuring the development of the Information Society… by collecting data in cooperation with its member States and partner institutions. Besides highlighting the need to connect the least connected region of the world, this report seeks to help governments, the private sector, civil society and the international development community to take informed policy decisions….This report provides a comparative analysis of the development of the African telecommunication/ICT market. In this regard, trends in main (fixed) telephone lines, Internet, broadband and mobile cellular services are examined, as well as privatization and investment conditions. The report points out the challenges of the African telecommunication market, as well as the need for coordinated action.”
Publisher: International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Year of Publication: 2007
Comment on Telecommunications/ICT Markets and Trends in Africa 2007