Towards a gender violence free Nation-A study on the Department of Social Welfare’s communication strategies in the fight against gender based violence in Mansa District

Date: April 20, 2015
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Gender Based Violence is a global human rights problem but some women still lack knowledge and information on their rights. They do not even know the services offered including facilities that are in place which would help them if at all they are victimised despite the many efforts that the Zambian government has put up. This affects mostly the rural women because they are away from where such services are offered. If gender issues are properly handled they can lead to development of the nation which is sustainable. The department of Social Welfare serves the vulnerable social groups and individuals including those affected by GBV but how effective have they been in communicating messages against GBV? The purpose of the study was to evaluate the communication strategies being used by the department of Social Welfare in the fight against GBV in Mansa District. The researcher in order to obtain data used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Triangulation of these methods was used by the use of questionnaires, focus group discussion, in-depth interviews, and participant observation. Purposive, convenient and simple sampling procedures were also used. The software package for social sciences (SPSS) and thematic analysis was used to analyse data. The findings revealed that the knowledge by the community on the existence of the department of social welfare as a department that attends to GBV issues was poor though the department has clearly set out their role in the fight against GBV with their main focus being confined to giving shelter to the victims of GBV those that are deemed not safe from the environment within which the violence happened. The department has no written communication strategy paper but has some good strategies that it uses. The communication strategies being used are however not adequate and effective enough in the fight against GBV. The recommendations are that the department should have a communications strategy paper to which they can refer to and incorporate other and more communication strategies in order to be effective. Above all the department has to work towards their existence as GBV activists in the grassroots in order to be recognized and effective in their service delivery

Publisher: University of Zambia
Year of Publication: 2015

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