Women at the sidelines of reporting football

Date: January 5, 2010
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For a long time, football has been called the “beautiful” game. The irony, however, is that while anything termed “beautiful” is generally associated with femininity, few women take up an active interest or appreciation in the game of football. Moreover, as an extension of that, very few female journalists report on it. So should we instead call it the “handsome” game in order to reflect football’s dominant masculine character, both in terms of participation and
reportage? The following article contextualises gender perspectives on reporting sports against the backdrop of the impending 2010 FIFA World Cup, and ultimately disregards any suggestions that football, and sports reporting, should be the preserves of an impenetrable “boy’s club.” Finally, suggestions are given as to how female journalists can take up an active role in writing the story of 2010 – Africa’s greatest moment on the international arena.

ISBN: 978-1-920550-40-0
Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 7th Edition
Year of Publication: 2009
Download : 10440_women_at_the_sidelines_of_reporting_football.pdf

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