Women, elections, stories and style: female politicians strengthen their voices

Date: January 29, 2010
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Throughout 2008, 2009 and into 2010 women and men throughout Southern Africa and beyond will go to the polls. Elections are big news in Africa, just as the coverage of politics and elections worldwide become fodder upon which the mainstream news media thrive. Women’s entry into the political arena as female politicians championing their parties’ agendas or other political, economic and social issues; as political candidates vying for public office; or as voters who use the power of the vote to make a statement about the issues that are important to them, are stories that have emerged in Africa’s media. This article looks at some of the representations of women’s political issues, and at identities of women politicians that emerge in the media during elections. Based on the Inter Press Service (IPS) Global News Agency’s “Strengthening Women’s Voices in Elections in AfricaÀ Project, this article reviews some of the outcomes of pro-active engagement between the media, female politicians and women’s activist groups.

ISBN: 978-1-920550-26-4
Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 6th Edition
Year of Publication: 2009
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