Women on Land ownership_ Radio free Africa_ 05 August 2016

Date: August 5, 2016
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Name of Publication: Radio free Africa

Name of the story: Women on Land ownership

Country: Tanzania


Makala ya haki ya kumiliki ardhi Na usawa wa kijinsia_Eagan P. Salla_Tanzania_052016.mp3

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Brief description of the item of work you submitted and motivation of why it is a good example of gender awareness and sensitivity in advancing gender equality Post-2015.

The program is about land ownership and gender equality since in Tanzania in spite of having good laws and policies, which clearly draw the line on the land ownership since it is a constitutional right to everyone with qualifications to own land. Man or a woman the law is clear and it equally provide right to both but due to presence of customary laws and seggrigative cultural and traditional ideologies women a highly denied to own land in most of tribes since they believe women are inferior and there should be a man to control her.

Having this out dated ideologies, men tend to use women as cheap labours in their farm with no right to whatever that they produce. According to Tanzanian National Bureau of Statistics women population is reported to be 52 %, thus with this bigger number if they are given equal right to own land and have full authority on what they want., to on it and how are they going to it without male interference. We can accelerate the speed of national development since more vast land will be utilised and more fresh ideas will be implemented

Living in a society where both men and women corporate fully in social and economic activities, things normally move quickly. Thus with equal chances of expression in this program between women and men over the barbaric traditional ideologies of neglecting women on land ownership things are expected to change ,since both now understand it is their constitutional right to own land. However, also women will no longer be oppressed by man due to lack of knowledge that it is her right to own land also men now see how important to have equal rights in ownership since it accelerate development to the society

Why did you produce the story? What problem or context is it responding to?

I produced this program because within all our more than 128 tribes this problem does exist and its slowing down development speed since with less production we won’t have enough to consume and sell but with enough production we will have enough for ourselves as producers but also we will have surplus for trading.

Tanzania is the largest country in the East Africa but one of the poorest countries in the world because its natural resources are not effectively exploited or utilized including land, with 78% of its population depending fully on agriculture for living it is clear that something need to be changed in agriculture.

Knowing the importance of ownership to be authoritative I saw this as one of problems facing our agricultural sector, with male dominance still things are not moving in a speed that everyone will like them to move. Thus it is important to eradicate all forms of women segregation on land ownership and provide a room for them to corporate fully in the sector not as it is right now where most are treated as cheap labours Our government is striving to build industrial based economy thus we need agricultural sector on its foot

What did you hope to achieve with this coverage?

  1. Giving a lesson to those who did not know that land ownership is their right to understand it is their constitutional right thus when denied they should demand it
  2. Accelerating agricultural production by widening areas of production due to the presence of new land owners of vast fertile land which was unused
  3. Decreasing or eradicating possibility of food shortage in the family since most of time men normal sale harvest without considering what will come next thus by giving power of decision making to both it will not be easy for one to play around with family food

Whom did you hope to reach? Did you succeed in reaching this audience? What evidence do you have to that effect?

  1. Both male and female aged 18 and above a group, which I believe, I have reached since all sources in the program are of that age and above. For example through two university women I interviewed they were able to conduct a debate in their class concerning the issue, the idea came after they were interviewed, and a here the program when it was aired
  2. I targeted traditional elders who are always decision makers in our society and sometimes knowing or unknowing they denies one group their right to own land and fully participate in development activities such as agriculture
  3. Law makers and policy makers who I wanted them to do follow up of what they set since sometimes they are good polices and law remain on papers since its known by few people. For example, the women I interviewed (Tabi nzaesi Watugara) she did not know if the constitution provide equal right to both men and women on landowner ship
  4. Institutions and Development agents all this play important role in providing education collaborating with the government e.g. in rural areas due to lack of fund and enough man power the government cannot reach every corner
  5. How did you go about producing the programme?

How did you gather the data, how many sources, female and male did you consult? Why did you choose these sources and how were their voices important?

  1. Literature review to get statistics and key points on laws and polices
  2. Interviews I, Interviews total of twelve sources but in the program I have just used
  3. Observation.

What impact did it have? What evidence do you have to illustrate impact?

Please provide any examples of feedback that you received from the articles (from websites, letters, etc.)

I have just received several phone call after the program and text messages telling how the program has just affected them

Being a modern young man, I have also used social media where i was able to receive several feedback concerning the program.

How would you conduct a follow up to your story and why?

I will do follow up by producing several programs filling the knowledge gap left by the first documentary. In addition, I will produce another program of a kind but this time a TV program that will be aired on Start. As I am working with Sahara Media Group Which is the owner of both Radio Free Africa and Start Continue with discussion on my social networks and publication of different articles concerning the issues equality on land ownership on my blog that is gifted sounds. Blog spot.com

Visiting the sources who were by then victims of segregation to see if they are now given chance to own land or to make decision on whatever comes out of that land e.g. Tabi nzaesi Watugara.