South Africa I Stories 2008

South Africa I Stories 2008

Date: November 12, 2009
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This year’s I stories were launched at Constitution Hill Jail Number 4 on the sidelines of a conference on domestic violence: “South African Domestic Violence Act: Lessons from a Decade of Legislation and ImplementationÀ The conference is being hosted by CSVR working with other Gender NGOs.
‘I’ stories are part of an annual series of first hand accounts  that are produced by Gender Links  of mostly women who have experienced abuse directly or have in some way been touched by gender violence.  This provides a platform for women to speak out against abuse. In the past one regional booklet has been produced each year. This year four countries (Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland) have produced country specific ‘I’ stories booklets and will be launched in-country.
As part of the conference programme attended by several regional and international guests, the ‘I’ Stories launch coincided with the opening of an exhibition of gender NGOs materials and conference dinner.  Three of the I stories participants spoke out at the event.

Year of Publication: 2008

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