Africans rising for Justice, Peace and Dignity

Date: June 12, 2017
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The SADC Gender Alliance secretariat on Africa Day joined other civil society organisations based in Johannesburg for the official launch of Africa Rising.

Africans Rising is a pan-African movement committed to the rights of African people through promotion of justice, peace and dignity. It is a platform created for the mapping of resources across the continent, from smaller movements to larger networks while building alliances that will support the liberation movement in the long run.

Speaking at the official lunch renowned South Africa’s human rights activist, Kumi Naidoo said he believes that African citizens have the potential to change the politics of Africa today as well as their circumstances.

Earth Life Africa which was also at the launch presented its agenda on climate change and created  awareness on the need to strengthen the anti-nuclear expansion movement in South Africa and to ensure that the voice of people echoes louder than that of any corporate or government interest.

Participants at the launch articulated that as women the consequences of nuclear energy such as cancer diseases rest upon them as they are home care takers and will have to nurse their husbands and children in case they fall victims. Click to watch interview with Kumi Naidoo.

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