GL hosts Women’s Political Participation academy

GL hosts Women’s Political Participation academy

Date: May 8, 2023
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Gender Links is hosting a week long  Women’s Political Participation (WPP) Academy in Maun, Botswana from 8-12 May. The academy aims at enhancing the inclusion and effective participation of women in political decision-making with a strong emphasis on local government.

This is the fourth in the series of academies that Gender Links is hosting in Botswana since the start of the Enhancing Women’s Political Participation in Africa project. The first three cross-generation training academies were conducted in Palapye, Francistown and Gaborone in the first phase of project between 2020 and 2022.

Gender Links is conducting this work as part of the International Idea-led consortium of six organisations implementing the: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation in Africa project.The five other organisations in the consortium are FAWE, FEMNET, IFAN – Gender Laboratory, PADARE, and WLSA. The consortium focuses on African countries namely Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. The project is funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Ethiopia, with  the overall goal to increasing the political representation and participation of women in the SADC region and in Africa in line with the Maputo Protocol of 2003, the revised SADC Protocol on Gender and Development of 2015, various sub-regional protocols and standards and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Read more about this project here


One thought on “GL hosts Women’s Political Participation academy”

Luu Machila says:

Indeed, the future looks female! Great work there.

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