On 11 October Gender Links joins the world in celebrating the International Day of the Girl These celebrations are happening in the backdrop of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), which seeks to mobilize commitments around achieving zero unmet need for family planning information and services, zero preventable maternal deaths, and zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls. This day also comes as we head toward the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action the most visionary blueprint for the empowerment of women and girls.
In 1994 governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action at ICPD which set out to empower women and girls for their sake, and for the benefit of their families, communities and nations.
For this year’s International Day of the Girl, we’re coming together under the #Voice and Choice Campaign to move from talk to actions in fulling the rights of the girl child. We also celebrate all the achievements for, by and with girls in areas of life. We also put a spotlight on the gaps that still stand in the way of girls realising all their rights including lack of access to education, Early and Unwanted Pregnancies, Menstrual Health and Hygiene, Gender Based Violence, HIV and AIDS and Harmful practices such as child marriages and Female genital mutilation that stand in the way of girls in realising their rights.
Read more on the State of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in SADC Voice and Choice Barometer
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