The Consultative Forum on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment under the theme “The Role of Research Institutions and Universities in Harnessing the Potential of Agendas 2030 and 2063” co-organized by the African Centre for Gender (ACG) and UN Women, came to a close on the 4th of October. The Forum was attended by representatives of various African universities, research institutes, researchers and African think tanks working on gender and development.
Following thought provoking and enthusiastic discussions of the past two days, the facilitator Dr. Dzodzi Tsikata summarized the research priorities identified by the Forum, which included the Global, Regional and National Socio-Economic and Political Developments, and Regional Economic Agendas and their implications for implementing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Agendas. Likewise, the Forum identified Economic Justice by Reforming macro-economic, fiscal, trade and domestic resource mobilization policies as well as Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Politics, Policies and Institutions as research preference.