Gender Links (GL) officially invites submissions for the 2018 SADC Protocol@Work Summits Entries. The national summits are a platform for documenting and disseminating best practices in gender mainstreaming, gender equality, gender justice and women’s holistic empowerment in all spheres life and human development. The 2018 summits will be held under the theme, Local Action for a strong 2030 A-gender in Southern Africa!
The summits will be organised by GL offices in Botswana, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. GL Lesotho held their summits in November 2017, garnering attendance from all 50 councils in the GL Centres of Excellence (COE) programme as detailed in this summit press release.
14 thoughts on “Call for entries: 2018 SADC Protocol@work summits”
i want to participate
Hi Tendai Please kindly contact our Zim office on
I wnat to participate
I want to participate
I would like to participate
Are the forms already available because I cant locate them here
I want to find out about the forms to enter
Yes forms are there please contact for further information
Would like to register a disabled people organisation in the Okavango for participation
Thank you for your interest please contact . Thanks
Please send me the to enter via SMS to this no 0762329520
Please we would like to know about this event in Namibia Thanks
Dear Charles Simukamba unfortunately we will only be hosting summits in the countries listed in the call.
I have a passion to participate in gender links 2018 I once did it two years back