SADC: Call for journalists to participate in SRHR training

SADC: Call for journalists to participate in SRHR training

Date: November 11, 2022
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Gender Links (GL) invites journalists who report on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in the region to apply for a four days training programme organised online. The training seeks to enhance gender sensitive reporting and skills in covering SRHR. This training programme will take place between 28 November -1 December 2022.

About the programme

GL is implementing the Strengthening women’s voice and choice through media reporting and networking  regional project in Southern Africa supported by UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC). The programme fits into  IPDC’s results area of Strengthening media institutions and capacities in developing countries such as through trainings, network building and advocacy programme areas .

This project strives to contribute to strengthening the capacity of media to improve awareness on SRHR, produce and share local content and increase women’s voices in the media. It also seeks to strengthen the media cluster of the Gender Protocol Alliance a “network of networks” that campaigns for implementation of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development bringing to light the gaps and opportunities in legal and policy reform and implementation on SRHR through media  engagement and coverage.  It also seeks to strengthen local journalism and boost collaboration between the media and the Southern Africa  Gender Protocol Alliance Womens Rights Organisations (WRO’s) notably through policy dialogue.


This call for applications is intended for ALL  journalists  with priority given to those who are already reporting on SRHR. The SRHR topics GL is focusing on include Menstrual Health, Family planning and Maternal Health, Adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR), Safe abortion, HIV and AIDS, Harmful practices, Gender-based violence,  and Sexual diversity.

GL will select 20 journalists to participate in the training. The selection of participation will be made according to clear and transparent criteria. This initiative encourages the participation of more female journalists to take part in the SRHR training. The composition of trainees will comprise 60% women journalists.


The selected journalists are expected to produce and publish at least 40 media products  including (articles, programmes, podcasts, documentaries produced ) following the training.

Requirements for applicants:

To apply for this training program, you must:

  • Be a journalist working in any Southern African country.
  • Have the language proficiency to attend the trainings in English.
  • Be available to attend the four day training sessions online. An internet allowance will be provided .
  • Have a keen interest in the main SRHR topics covered by the project (Gender Based Violence, HIV and AIDS, Harmful Practices, Sexual Diversity, Adolescent SRHR, Maternal Health, Menstrual Health, Safe Abortion). Proven experience in covering these topics is a plus.
  • Have very good interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively and be an active participant in online platforms.
  • Be someone who keeps on learning and reflecting on their own professional development.

Motivation (letter of motivation is needed)

1. Provide us with a motivation on why you would want to take part in this training

  • Describe your motivation to participate in the training.
  • Describe your education & previous experience in reporting n SRHR
  • Discuss what the biggest challenges are for journalists in reporting SRHR in your country.
  • Describe the kind of SRHR stories you would cover and why.
  • How do you plan to use the experience gained after training.

2. Provide at least 3 stories you have written on any SRHR over the past year.

Please send your applications to by 21 November 2022. You will hear from us by 23 November 2022.

For any questions kindly email .

For more information on GL’s SRHR media training visit

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