South Africa: Intersecting oppression – locating gender within #FeesMustFall

Date: November 25, 2016
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IntersectingIn debunking the politics of gender and oppression as a reflection of broader systemic violence within society; it is imperative not to privilege one oppression over another. When one engages with #FeesMustFall (FMF) as a body located outside of the movement; one is rarely ever confronted with the question of gender from an intersectional standpoint. In debunking the politics of gender and oppression as a reflection of broader systemic violence within society; it is imperative not to privilege one oppression over another.

Illustrative of this, in a recent article in the Mail and Guardian, Carl Collison cites and dissects cases of oppression of non-cisgender and gender non-conforming bodies within the discourse of the movement. Rightly so, Collison discusses the gross injustices and lack of recognition of the struggles of LGBTQQIAAP bodies in movements such as FMF.

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Author: Mandipa Ndlovu and Faranaaz Vraagom.