South Africa: Needed – new approaches to ending GBV

South Africa: Needed – new approaches to ending GBV

Date: November 26, 2021
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Johannesburg, 24 November:  South Africa and the world will commence the Sixteen Days of Activism on 25 November – International Day of No Violence Against Women. The Women’s Voice and Leadership partnership, coordinated by Gender Links, kicked off the annual campaign on 19 November, World Entrepreneurship Day.

Coincidentally, that is also International Men’s Day. We aren’t convinced we need a men’s day since every day is pretty much that. We are convinced that until women have equal, fair and just access to economic resources we will be winning the battle and losing the war against gender violence.

So what is new in 2021, other than this being the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic that has exposed this huge blight on our freedoms even further, earning gender violence the title of “twin pandemic” in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s family updates to the nation?

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One thought on “South Africa: Needed – new approaches to ending GBV”

Trevor Davies says:

Bravo! Brava!

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