Upcoming SADC #Voice&Choice Summits

Upcoming SADC #Voice&Choice Summits

Date: November 4, 2020
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1 November 2020: In  November, Gender Links (GL) and the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) will be hosting Voice and Choice Summits in two Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries, Lesotho and Zambia.

This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions on large gatherings some Summits will be taking place in three phases. In Zimbabwe three Summits, for entrepreneurs,  thematic awards,  and local authorities took place in September and October, while Eswatini completed its summit in October and launched of the Women in Local Economic Development (WLED) network. Lesotho held one summit in October which was hosted for entrepreneurs and beneficiaries of the Sunrise Campaign.

The Voice and Choice Summits, which take place every year recognise good practise and innovation; and the valuable work being done by gender champions and community members across a range of thematic areas. The summit participants will present on the following #VoiceandChoice categories:

  • Centres of Excellence for Local Government
  • Drivers of Change
  • Economic justice
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Media
  • Governance, including the 50/50 campaign
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
  • Youth Engagement

The main purpose of the #VoiceandChoice Summit is to allow participants to learn and share best practices from various sectors including Government departments, Non-Governmental organisation (NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Faith Based Organisations (FBOs), Local Government councils as well as the media.

The upcoming Summits will take place as follows:Zambia: 18-20 November

For more information:

Zambia: Albert Ngosa on progzambia@genderlinks.org.za
General: Susan Tolmay on governance@genderlinks.org.za

One thought on “Upcoming SADC #Voice&Choice Summits”

Esnart Banda says:

People with disabilities to be given equal opportunity to take part in governance issues. Let the voice and choice be an all inclusive programme .

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