16 Days of Activism 2014

Banners and SADC Logos 16 Days of Activism

Banners and SADC Logos 16 Days of Activism

Download the banners below. Banners are available for a number of countries. Also download the SADC logo in French and Portuguese.

T-shirts – designs for download

Download the T-shirt packs below – all are in zip format. The packs contain the high resolution images for the T-shirt and the overall design.

Posters 16 Days of Activism

Posters 16 Days of Activism

You can download the Peace begins at home posters below in high res and low res formats. Posters are available in English, French and Portuguese.

CĂŽte d’Ivoire: l’atteinte de l’objectif zĂ©ro sida passe par une lutte efficace contre les VBG

CĂŽte d’Ivoire: l’atteinte de l’objectif zĂ©ro sida passe par une lutte efficace contre les VBG

Abidjan, 1 dĂ©cembre: Chaque annĂ©e, la CĂŽte d’Ivoire cĂ©lĂšbre la JournĂ©e mondiale dĂ©diĂ©e Á  la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA, le 1er dĂ©cembre. Selon les statistiques du ministĂšre de la SantĂ© et de la lutte contre le Sida, le taux de prĂ©valence du VIH/SIDA dans ce pays d’Afrique de l’ouest a chutĂ©,

Economic Justice: An empowerment pathway to ending violence against women

Economic Justice: An empowerment pathway to ending violence against women

The prevalence of Gender Based Violence continues to undermine the personal and public lives of women in abusive relationships. Economic dependence on abusive partners is the primary reason that women stay in such relationships. There is a need to explore the hypothesis that economic independence can reduce GBV.

16 Days of Activism 2014 Mauritius

16 Days of Activism 2014 Mauritius

KEY FACTS The GBV Indicators research conducted in Mauritius shows that at least one in four women have experienced GBV at some time in their life. In interviews on their […]

Internacional: Um apelo aos homens para combater Á  violĂȘncia de gĂ©nero

Internacional: Um apelo aos homens para combater Á  violĂȘncia de gĂ©nero

Michigan, 28 de novembro: “… Uma em cada trĂȘs mulheres poderÁ¥ ser espancada, estuprada ou abusada durante o seu ciclo de vida…À À“ alertam as NaçÁ”es Unidas que apontam a ViolĂȘncia Baseada no GĂ©nero (VBG) um problema global e com proporçÁ”es pandĂ©micas. As NaçÁ”es Unidas referem ainda que na presente conjuntura no mundo, pelo menos, um biliĂŁo de mulheres estĂŁo directa

16 Days of Activism 2014 Botswana

16 Days of Activism 2014 Botswana

KEY FACTS Botswana is one of the six SADC countries that have conducted a Violence Against Women Baseline Study. Parliament passed the Domestic Violence Act in 2008 and in 2013 […]

16 Days of Activism 2014 Newletters

16 Days of Activism 2014 Newletters

Newsletters: International Human Rights Day, yes we must! 10 December 2014 Human trafficking and slavery – Abolish slavery! 9 December 2014 Commercial and transactional sex – Economic agency for gender […]

16 Days of Activism Newsletter, 10 December 2014

As we commemorate the Sixteen Days of Activism campaign, one of the most crucial sectors we need to target and hold accountable is the media. The media is one of the most powerful socialising forces in society and can work both for and against the cause for eradicating violence and achieving gender equality.