
Someone is always watching_Sowaten_25 April 2015

Mobile service provider_Times of Zambia_ 25 April 2015

Name of Article: Mobile service provider Name of Publication: Times of Zambia Date: 25 April, 2015 Country:  Zambia The above picture is among many other pictures where women’s bodies are to sell […]

Get the Upgrade that counts_Daily Sun_23 April 2015

Get the Upgrade that counts_Daily Sun_23 April 2015

Name of article: Get the Upgrade that counts Name of Publication: Daily Sun Date: 23 April 2015 Country: South Africa Theme: Health- SRHR Skills: Headline Genre: Advert GEM Classification: Gender Aware […]

Women’s bodies in advertising_Times of Zambia_April 2015

NAME OF THE ARTICLE: Women’s bodies in advertising Name of Publication: Times of Zambia Date: April 2015 Country:  Zambia The above picture is among many other pictures where women’s bodies […]

Zebra_Windhoek Observer_10 -16 April 2015

Zebra_Windhoek Observer_10 -16 April 2015

Name of article: Zebra Name of Publication: Windhoek Observer Date:  10 -16 April 2015 Country: Namibia Theme: Young Women Genre: Advert GEM Classification: Blatant Stereotype Skill: Language The advertisement is […]

Salon de massage avec chambre confort

Une section du journal qui illustre des publicités de massage en mettant en avant des jeunes femmes aguichantes presque dénudée.

‘Everyone made me feel like a living zombie’ – Sowetan

A YOUNG woman who felt her life was doomed because she had extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB) says she sees a good future now that she is cured.

Les publicités qui suscitent la polémique: Vendre a tout prix

Description:Si certaines publicités sont accrocheuses, d’autres fâchent, choquent ou font même l’objet de vives polémiques. Les plus scandaleuses affiches de United Colors of Benetton pour la campagne contre le Sida ou pour ‘international Year of Volunteers 2001, entres autres. La dernière en date a Maurice est la publicité pour couches-culottes de Bébé câlin ou on voit un bébé et le slogan « Occupe-toi de mes fesses ! »
Pour Loga Virahsawmy, directrice de Media Watch, « il faut savoir plaire Á  tous. Ce qui est de l’humour pour certains, peut être choquant pour d’autres. Les agences de publicité doivent bien peser les mots utilises quand elles traitent de sujets sensibles comme les bébés.

Sexist, racist ad pulled down in Mozambique

The latest advertisement for the popular dark beer Laurentina Preta shows a headless and legless black woman, generous hips and bosom, tiny waist, clad in tight bodysuit with the Laurentina logo right on her pubis. A popular myth in Mozambique is that dark beer enhances sexual potency, hence the brand’s association with sex in its ads. This one appeared in the first week of September on billboards and as full page ads in daily newspapers. The umbrella of women’s group Foro Mulher and the League for Human Rights jointly called a press conference to denounce the ad. Two days later, Cervejas de Mocambique announced its withdrawal, “given that the ad is creating a polemic in the midst of society.”

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