Education is a prerequisite to national development. Seem in the light; education is an indispensable means of unlocking and protecting human right since it provides the environment required for securing […]
The main objective of this study was to generate baseline information for use in facilitating the promotion of human rights. The specific objectives included the following: to establish the level […]
The main objective of this study was to generate baseline information for use in facilitating the promotion of human rights. The specific objectives included the following: to establish the level […]
Family planning is one of the components of the Uganda minimum health care package which is the cardinal reference in determining the allocation of public funds and other essential inputs. […]
The Commonwealth annual consultations of national women’s machineries (NWMs) with senior officials, strategic partners and civil society organisations have become important events on the calendars of the Commonwealth and United Nations (UN) Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).
The consultations have enabled the Commonwealth, which represents the largest grouping of 54 countries within the UN system, to dialogue and contribute to the global agenda of advancing women’s rights and achieving gender equality. This year’s meeting, on the eve of the 57th CSW, was also important for finalising the Secretariat’s plans for the Tenth Women’s Affairs Ministers Meeting (10WAMM), to be hosted by the Government of Bangladesh in Dhaka on 15Γβ19 June 2013. The Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2005Γβ2015 (PoA), endorsed by Commonwealth Heads of Government, represents the Commonwealth’s commitment to eradicate poverty, promote economic growth and achieve sustainable, peaceful development for women, men, girls and boys.
It is within the framework of the PoA that the Commonwealth contributes towards achieving global targets set out in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW, 1979), the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA, 1995), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs, 2000), UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (2000) and its follow-up resolutions, as well as other legal commitments and obligations under international human rights law.
The Vision 2030 publication examines, outlines and unpacks the National Development Plan (NDP) from both private and public sector perspectives.
The NDP puts forward proposals for driving social and economic transformation over a long period of time while taking into account the global financial crisis and other key forces shaping society, including urbanisation, globalisation and technological changes.
This publication comes out of the Vision 2030 summit, a private sector initiative endorsed by the National Planning Commission Secretariat.
Topics include education, climate change and small and micro enterprises.
The first edition of the National Guidelines for the Multidisciplinary management of Survivors of Gender Based Violence in Zambia. The document is as a result of several years of work by various stakeholders with the coordination of the Gender in Development Division and with the key implementing institutions include Ministry of health through the University teaching Hospital and the Directorate of Public Health and Research, through the Zambia Police Victim support Unit (VSU) and Ministry of Community Development and Social services through Department.
The Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Leadership (SPI) conducted this study to identify strategies successful small independent newspapers have adopted to overcome the many challenges confronting their publications. To this end, the SPI conducted in-depth case stidies of six successful South African newspapers serving their local communities. These case studies provide an overview of the challenges facing small independent newspapers and the range of the best practices and strategies that have helped to ensure that participating newspapers are successful. The SPI hopes other small independent publications will be able to draw on these experiences and that this report will contribute to the sustainablility of small independent newspaper in South Africa and elsewhere.
A handbook of women politicians and the media that looks at strengthening the voice and visibility of women in the African ‘media coverage of elections, politics and governance