A father is giving up after a four-year fight to see his daughters has written the two girls an emotional goodbye e-mail, promising fathers facing similar situations to say. “Remember, brother you are not alone”.
President Thabo mbeki pleaded ignorance about the effect of HIV and Aids on the public service in a gaffe that highlighted South Africa;s pathetic response to the pandemic.
Just look at me, whispers Maness Mwale, ‘a typical working woman. You see, it is only a few hours ago that I arrived from Lizulu where I usually buy my goods on wholesale from small holder farmers.
Women’s rights activists in Swaziland have mounted a rare protest march against the extravagance of the royal family, triggered by a shopping trip for eight of its queens.
The number of single women has hit an all-time high, a study has shown and most of them aren’t looking for love.
KwaZulu-Natal chief Thokozile Ndlovu is no ordinary ruler. Apart from her picture, which is posted on a big board at the entrance of her massive house, nothing gives her away as the chief of more than 5000 people.
It was during one of the cold winter days that normally instigate many students into mischievous acts of indulging in sexual intercourse.
Just more than a decade ago Sindi Damoyi worked as a cabin crew member on South African Airways.
Le chômage reste un mal économique qui affecte plus de femmes que d’hommes Á Maurice. Personne ne peut le contester, du moins les chiffres sont éloquents. La difficulté est accrue lorsqu’une femme licenciée après que son l’entreprise ait fermé les portes, tente de trouver un nouvel emploi.
A l’occasion de son discours sur l’état Á la nation, prononcé devant le Parlement en décembre 2009, le président congolais, Joseph Kabila, avait déclaré que 2010 serait l’Année du social.
Mais en attendant la réalisation de cette promesse que les Congolais appellent de tous leurs vÅ“ux – engagement qui améliorerait un tant soit peu leurs conditions sociales précaires -, il faut reconnaitre que joindre les deux bouts en fin de mois dans un contexte de crise auquel fait face la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), relève de l’imagination et de l’inventivité des hommes et de femmes de ce pays.