Noeline est une des bénéficiaires du projet “Current sunrise campaign”. Victime de violence conjugale au sein de son foyer, elle a décidé de se séparer avec son mari et de […]
“ Tout est possible si l’on y croit puis s’y accroche vraiment. ” « Le fait d’être une femme m’a permis de se débrouiller. Notre entrepreneur est un modèle aux autres […]
Title: “Le changement d’attitude définit l’essor à tout autre changement.” Quotable quotes « Il existe toujours un travail très dur accompli derrière chaque succès. Le fait de gagner est un honneur, […]
At first I thought that the abuse that I was facing was never going to end but with the training that I got from Gender Links all is now history. […]
The Gender Links workshop that I attended at Chiedza Primary School in 2018 when I joined the project was an unforgettable event. The facilitators were very friendly, learning environment was […]
Johannesburg: Gender Links hosted the South Africa #VoiceandChoice summit in Johannesburg at the Kopanong Hotel, Benoni. The two day summit kick started on the 27th and ended on the 28th […]
Sommet national sur la mise en œuvre du protocole de la SADC sur le Genre et le Développement « VOIX ET CHOIX », du 21-22 Juin 2019 à l’Hôtel le Pavé Antaninarenina, […]
Give a short history of the leader A definite light bulb moment was when I realised that the dream I had since 2005 it became a reality. Named the SAPS […]
Sister Meyer, as child, experienced her own challenges as she grew up without knowing her biological father. Her grandparents raised her and at the age of eight, my grandmother died, […]
I was born in St Helena Bay 20 December 1959. One of nine children. My father died when I was in grade 3. I was lost and without a father […]