Maputo: 15 de Outubro 2019: A Plataforma de Observação Eleitoral Conjunta, Sala da Paz, manifestou a sua preocupação com existência de casos de algumas irregularidades no processo de votação das […]
Formações sobre a integração do género nos pleitos eleitorais A Gender Links Moçambique realizou nos dias 11-16 do mês de Setembro, uma formação que reuniu jornalistas e membros de partidos […]
The proportion of women elected in the October 2011 Local Government elections in Lesotho decreased from 58% (2005 elections) to 49.1%. However, the result is considered a more representative reflection of the aspirations of Basotho people after amendments to the quota system in the 2011 elections.
Maputo, 11 de Março de 2015: Francisca Domingos TomÁ¡s foi eleita, a 13 de Fevereiro passado, para dirigir o Gabinete da Mulher Parlamentar na Assembleia da República. A deputada pela bancada maioritÁ¡ria da Frelimo cumpre o seu terceiro mandato consecutivo na chamada casa do povo.
Maputo, 30 de Outubro: Mulheres profissionais da comunicação social afirmam haver avanços no reconhecimento das capacidades femininas nesta Á¡rea em Moçambique, passo significativo para o equilÁbrio do género.
It may have been just a three percentage point drop in women’s representation in parliament in the May 2014 South African elections. But that drop sent tremors across a region hoping to at least show some progress on this front by 2015, the deadline year for the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, signed here in 2008.
Gender Links (GL) is calling on the Government of Swaziland to institute a legislated quota to increase the representation of women in all areas of politics and decision-making following the just-ended urban local elections.
Increasing the representation of women in politics and decision-making is an opportunity to improve the quality of governance and also the right thing to do, as women constitute more than 52% of the population. This is the key message of government and international representatives that spoke yesterday at the launch of the 50/50 campaign at Royal Swazi Spa Convention Centre in Ezulwini, Swaziland.
The representation of women in parliament currently stands at 23.6% and 23% respectively. According to GL projections the region is set to go over 30% women’s representation in national and local government by 2016.
Since 2009 to date the Mauritian Satellite Office of Gender Links has been facilitating workshops for women politicians/women political activists in Mauritius, Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo.