Gender, Media and Elections

Lesotho: Peaceful transition but disappointing outcome for women

Maseru 8 June: Gender Links today welcomed the peaceful transition to a coalition government following the recent elections in Lesotho, but expressed disappointment that the elections witnessed no major advances for women.

An analysis of the election results (see Annex A) shows that women will occupy 31 out of 120 seats in the new parliament (26%)

June 8, 2012 Themes: Elections Programs: Gender & Media | Gender, media and elections | Training

Report of Workshop on Media Literacy and Leadership Training for Women in Politics

A two day workshop in DRC was held at the Conference Room of Notre Dame de Fatima in Kinshasa. The workshop was held with the collaboration of UCOFEM. There were 32 participants including two males who were sent by their political party.

Monique Ohsan-Bellepeau: Une femme a la State House_Le Dimanche/L’Hebdo

Elle a été la première femme Á  accéder Á  la vice-présidente de la République de Maurice. Mais, avec la démission de Sir Aneerood Jugnauth, Monique Ohsan-Bellepeau devient aussi la première Á  atterrir a la tète de l’état. Elle y assure la suppléance, comme le souligne le communique émis par la présidence, samedi.
Elle a assumé ce rôle a plusieurs reprises, notamment en novembre 2010, lorsque SAJ était en visite officielle en Inde, et en janvier 2012, pendant que le président se remettait d’une intervention chirurgicale. Néanmoins, tout le monde reconnaitra qu’il y a une grande différence entre remplacer un titulaire qui s’absente momentanément et occuper temporairement les fonctions d’une personne qui a soumis sa démission. Pour l’instant, sa suppléance va durer au moins deux semaines, puisque le Premier ministre a confirme que c’est elle qui donnera lecture du discours-programme le 16 avril prochain, a l’ouverture de la nouvelle session de l’Assemblée nationale…

Getting the balance right: Gender in the 2011 Lesotho Local Government Election

Getting the balance right: Gender in the 2011 Lesotho Local Government Election

The proportion of women elected in the 1 October 2011 Local Government elections in Lesotho decreased from 58% (2005 elections) to 49.1% . The result reduces the number of women represented at the local level but is considered a more representative reflection of the aspirations of Basotho people and the outcomes of a fairer process to select Local Councillors.

Where are all the women? Gender in the 2011 Zambia Local Government Election

Women in Zambia comprise less than 10% of elected local government officials. This result is not a good sign for democracy or, diversity in democracy. Women won only 6.1% of the local government election in 2011, a 1.2% decrease from the previous election in 2006.

« Le coup d’envoi des élections municipales après les fêtes religieuses »._Le Matinal

Herve Aimée a précisé que le coup d’envoi des élections municipales aura lieu après la tenue des fêtes religieuses. « Mwa mo pa kapa dir ou kan eleksyon minisipal, se prérogative Premier minis, sa » a-t-il ajoute. Il a dit soupçonner une ‘connotation communale’ concernant la prise de position du leader du MSM Pravind Jugnauth, par rapport a sa proposition faite a SAJ sur le redécoupage électoral.
Dans son document, « MSM accuse, en effet, le ministre Herve Aimée de ‘gerry madering’ ethnique. Selon ce dernier, c’est la première fois qu’un parti politique qui vient quitter le gouvernement formule des propositions seulement pour les citadins et pas pour les villageois. Il a ajoute que la New Local Government Act (NLGA) a crée trois nouveaux conseils de district et qu’il y a aussi de nouvelles délibérations.
Il a affirme que la loi, votée en 2011, date de mai 2010. « elle a été amende quinze fois au moins, ce qui veut dire que le leader du MSM n’a jamais accepte, en sa qualité de ministre de finances, d’assumer les couts de l’adoption ce projet de loi, a dit le ministre, et j’attire l’attention sur le fait que c’est la première fois que le délimitations des villes et des villages se trouvent dans le projet de loi alors que ce n’était le cas auparavant. »

Gender in the 2010 Tanzania elections

Gender in the 2010 Tanzania elections

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the gender, elections and media project run by Gender Links (GL), in Tanzania during the October 2010 elections that witnessed an increase in women’s representation in parliament from 30% to 36%. But women constituted a mere 12% of news sources, compared to the general average of 21% in the 2010 Gender and Media Progress Study (GMPS).

December 12, 2011 Themes: Elections | Media Programs: Gender & Media | Gender, media and elections | Training

Gender in the 2011 South African Local Elections

Gender in the 2011 South African Local Elections

The 2011 local government elections that witnessed a decline in women’s representation at the very moment that South Africa should be redoubling its efforts to achieve gender parity underscores the need for a legislated quota for women in national and local elections.

December 12, 2011 Themes: Elections Programs: Gender & Media | Gender, media and elections | Training

Gender, media and elections – Malawi

Gender, media and elections – Malawi

Malawi is also one of the ten SADC countries that has fallen short of meeting the SADC target of
30 percent women in parliament by 2005. With a mere 25 (or 13 percent) of parliamentary
seats held by women it ranks 12th in the region and 87th globally. This is far below the new
target of 50 percent by 2015 set in the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, and there
will need to be a concerted effort made by the government if this target is to be reached.

November 4, 2011 Themes: Elections Programs: Gender & Media | Gender, media and elections | Training

Gender in the 2009 South African Elections

Gender in the 2009 South African Elections

With Members of parliament and provincial legislature sworn in, members of cabinet appointed, provincial cabinets constituted women representation at all levels of political decision making for 2009 has been decided.

November 4, 2011 Themes: Elections | Media Programs: Gender & Media | Gender, media and elections | Training