Making IT work for Gender

Leela Dookun-Luchoomun:’Que la société change son regard sur le handicap!’

Le National Council for the Rehabillitation of the Disabled Persons(NRDC) et le Ministère de la sécurité sociale ont procédé a la remise du ‘François Sockalingum Award’ 2011 ou 17 jeunes Handicapes bénéficieront d’une allocation mensuelle aux besoins de financement de leurs études. La Ministre de la securite Sociale,Leela Dookun Luchoomun a souligne l’importance que les handicapes recoivent une formation specialisee qui les permettra d’integrer le monde du travail et qui sera soutenu par la MEF et le Training and Employment for the Disabled Persons Board.

Interview de Sophie Lechartier,coordonnatrice de SOS Femme.

Sophie Lechartier qui chaque jour rencontre des femmes victimes de Violence nous explique ce qui la pousse a militer pour les droits de la femme.

Interview de Sandhya Boygah

Interview de Sandhya Boygah,Présidente de la commission des sports et du loisir, au conseil des Districts du Nord,sur l’organisation d’un tournoi de volley-ball disputé le 24 sept et le 1 oct Á  Roches-noires et Á  Rivière du Rempart respectivement.

Empowerment through ICTS

Colleen Morna Lowe explore why ICTs are key tool for the empowerment of women and shares with you what our research showed us about the way ICTs are actually being used and what the gaps are. Some reflections are shared on the possibilities that ICTs open for media women and in exploring our potential contribution to making these more accessible to others.

March 17, 2010 Themes: Gender equality | ICT's Programs: Gender Justice | Making IT work for Gender

At the click of a mouse: GBV and the internet: 27 Nov 2009

At the click of a mouse: GBV and the internetTime: 10h00 to 14h00Date: 27 November 2009Venue: The City of Joburg Offices, 158 Loveday St, Reception block A, Johannesburg Please see […]

Net Gains: African Women take stock of ICTs

Net Gains: African Women take stock of ICTs

In 2000, the Association of Progressive Communications (APC) commissioned GL to undertake research on how African Women’s organisations are making use of information and communication technology.

July 26, 2009 Themes: ICT's Programs: Gender Justice | Making IT work for Gender

Learning to Link: An Evaluation of the Women Connect! Project of the Pacific Institute for Women’s Health

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of Women Connect, a project of the Pacific Institute for Women’s Health (PIWH) undertaken between August and November 2001. The project aimed to bring greater empowerment of women through the effective use of communication strategies in media and technology to improve women’s health and well- being.

July 26, 2009 Themes: ICT's Programs: Gender Justice | Making IT work for Gender