
Mau: Domestic Violence declining-Can we rely on this data?

Mau: Domestic Violence declining-Can we rely on this data?

By Sheistah Bundhoo-Deenoo, Moka, 28 July 2022: The publication of the long awaited “Gender Statistics” 2021 edition released in July 2022 shows a decline in reported cases of domestic violence […]

July 26, 2022 Themes: GBV Programs: Gender Justice | Opinion

How COVID 19 has changed my life in 4 weeks

How COVID 19 has changed my life in 4 weeks

It is puzzling how only a few weeks ago (March 2020), life was normal. Now everything has flipped over because of the corona virus disease (COVID-19). When the year 2020 […]

April 13, 2020 Themes: Business Unusual | Disaster | Economic violence | GBV Programs: Opinion

Madagascar: Des jeunes filles en détresse

Madagascar: Des jeunes filles en détresse

Dur d’avoir ses règles à un jeune âge. Bénéficier de l’hygiène menstruelle demeure encore un luxe pour bon nombre de jeunes filles. A l’exemple des Communes rurales de la région […]

November 7, 2019 Themes: Gender equality | Human Rights Programs: Opinion

SADC: Winding road towards Nairobi ICPD25

SADC: Winding road towards Nairobi ICPD25

By Sifisosami Dube Johannesburg: The Programme of Action agreed by 179 governments in 1994 was a huge milestone towards realising population, development and well-being. Twenty-five years down the line there […]

November 1, 2019 Themes: GBV | Gender equality | Health | Human Rights | Young Women Programs: Opinion

Mauritius: The flu of misogyny

Mauritius: The flu of misogyny

Mauritius; 3 July: This winter we have yet again been hit by a disease, an illness from which many of us suffer. Symptoms are mostly manifested on social media in […]

SABC 3: Police arrest serial killer and rapist – 14/01/2019

Name of monitor: Patricia Mahachi Name of Television station: SABC 3 Name of programme: News @ 9 Date of broadcast: 14/01/2019 Genre: News Time: Time of broadcast: 21:00:21:30 GBV focus: […]

ETV: News @ 9 Sports News & Comment Analysis- 04/12/2018

Name of monitor: Madikana Matjila Name of programme: ETV News time Date of broadcast: 04 December 2018 Time: 20H00 – 20H30 Genre: Analysis and Commentary   Theme: Sports, awards Skills: Ethics, Portrayal ,Language,Perspective GBV focus […]

SABC 3: 16 day of activism against Gender Based Violence – 04/12/2018

Name of monitor: Patricia Mahachi Name of Television station: SABC 3 Name of programme: News @ 9 Date of broadcast: 04/12/2018 Genre: News Time: Time of broadcast: 21:00:21:30 GBV focus: […]

Father’s Day: My beloved father!

Father’s Day: My beloved father!

By Mauwane Raophala I was about to turn 5 years old when I lost my beloved father. I would like to put it out there that it has been hard […]

June 15, 2018 Themes: Media Programs: Gender & Media | Opinion

Moçambique: Mulher dirige GABINFO

Moçambique: Mulher dirige GABINFO

Maputo, 22 de Março: O Primeiro-ministro Moçambicano (PM), Carlos Agostinho do RosÁ¡rio, conferiu posse em Maputo, Á  jornalista EmÁ­lia Moiane para o cargo de directora do Gabinete de Informação (GABINFO).

O Primeiro-ministro, Carlos Agostinho do RosÁ¡rio, exortou na ocasião Á  nova directora do GABINFO, EmÁ­lia Moiane, para que procure elevar o nÁ­vel de consciência social, educacional e cultural dos cidadãos através do acesso Á  informação.