The organization strives to enhance transformation processes through approaches that include: advocating for mainstreaming of gender issues at all levels, ranging from local, national and international policy making and governing […]
Enhance women’s oversight capacity to participate in the socio economic and political process in the regions of Acholo, Karamoja and West Nile.
50 years ago the national flag was raised symbolizing Uganda’s sovereignty as a nation. For women, the struggle to get Independence was only just beginning. Getting voice in the public […]
It may have been just a three percentage point drop in women’s representation in parliament in the May 2014 South African elections. But that drop sent tremors across a region hoping to at least show some progress on this front by 2015, the deadline year for the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, signed here in 2008.
In Women’s Month in South Africa it’s a sobering thought that we not only let ourselves down by failing to reach gender parity in one key area of decision-making: we took all of SADC down with us.
A pamphlet explaining that entrepreneurship development is a tool for growing economic independence for women who have experienced gender based violence.
The Lesotho violence against women baseline study is a comprehensive community based research study on the prevalence of gender violence in Lesotho. The findings indicate that 86% of women in Lesotho have experienced gender based violence. Intimate partner violence is the most common form of violence.
This pamphlet contains the findings of the GBV Indicators Study in Limpopo province conducted by Gender Links. It covers the background, effects and summary findings on the prevalence of IPV, GBV and sexual harassment as well as summaries on response and support and key recommendations.
Throughout the discussions around the post-2015 framework some major advances have been made towards the achievement of gender equality, and there are a number of proposals that we believe are essential to protect as we move towards the final deliberations. However, the Gender and Development Network (GADN) remains concerned about various issues that are continuing to undermine the creation of a truly progressive framework strong enough to tackle the deep rooted and persistent gender inequalities that exist. This paper shows that gender analysis is relevant for every aspect of the negotiations.
This pamphlet lays out why the SADC Gender Protocol must move with the times and think global and act local. The Protocol on Gender and Development was adopted in 2008. It is a sub-regional roadmap that went beyond the requirements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Now SADC citizens are demanding that the region stay ahead of global trends by reviewing the Protocol in 2015 and aligning it to the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs). The SA Gender Protocol Alliance is using the experience in the region to demand gender indicators in all the SDGs.
This is the child friendly summary of the South African Child Gauge 2014. It contains information for children about different forms of violence against children, the effects of violence as well as what can be done to prevent violence against children.