A glass ceiling effect?

Date: July 30, 2010
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Title of article: A glass ceiling effect?
Newspaper: le Matinal
Date: 26 June 2010-07-30
Country: Mauritius
Theme : Gender equality
Skills : Opinion
Gem classification: Gender sensitive

Description : The article refers to recent nominations in the judiciary system and the deception of two women Counsels who have not been promoted to the rank of Senior Counsels.
Analysis: The article is gender aware and reveals the concern of Women in Networking on the
Feelings of the two women counsels and the fact that all promoted are men; anegative signal has been sent to the profession,the women counsels and the public at large; both ladies are mature and respected professionals; although new women lawyers are proudly shown in the media and the profession accessible to women of all classes, the recent excercise lacks transparency and is blatant case of gender inequality.
More and more enterprises are recognising womrn’s qualities and are bringing more women in boardrooms,the legal profession is sending a bad signal.
Trainer’s comments:
The writer of the article has fully grasped the gender issue in this recent promotion exercise;
Mentionning that despite the fact that there are many young women embracing the legal profession, but when it comes to promotion deserving matue women counsels are left on roadside. The article reveals that the profession is still male dominated and that law should be a sector where gender equality should be most present.
Excercise : We can identify other sectors and see the position of women in decision making levels.


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