Botswana SADC Gender Protocol Summit and Awards

Date: April 5, 2013
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The BOTSWANA SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT closed in Gaborone on the 27th of March 2013, with awards to 11 women and 3 men whose work on the ground won the highest accolades from judges during presentations made earlier this week.

Under the banner “2015, Yes we Must! The SADC Gender Protocol @ Work” the Summit brought together participants from local government authorities, the media, NGOs, Community Based Organisations and Faith Based Organisations and representatives of government. The Summit featured 60 entries in a variety of categories, including GBV and conflict resolution, Sexual and Reproductive Rights and HIV/AIDS, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Institutional Centres of Excellence (COEs) and Leadership.

Download the press release below.


Download : Botswana Summit press release

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