First Swaziland summit reaffirms working from the ground in ending Gender Based Violence

Date: March 24, 2013
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The first ever Swaziland SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT closed at Ezulwini on 19 March 2013 with awards to 10 women and 2 men whose work on the ground won the highest accolades from judges during presentations made earlier in the week. The summit featured 51 entries in a variety of categories including Gender Based Violence and Conflict Resolution, Sexual and reproductive rights; health and HIV and AIDS, Education and economic development; Climate change and sustainable development, Media and Local government institutional Centres of Excellence (COEs) and leadership.

Under the banner “2015, Yes we Must! The SADC Gender Protocol@Work” the conference brought together 80 participants from local government authorities, municipalities, NGOs, FBOs and representatives of ministries of gender and local government.

Download the press release below.


Download : Swaziland Gender summit press release and winners

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