Gender, media freedom and access to information
The Gender and Media Diversity Centre (GMDC) seeks proposals for contributions to its tenth journal that will enhance the development and sharing of knowledge, best practices and debate around media diversity, as well as promote probing, analytical and contextual journalism. The Gender and Media Diversity Journal (GMDJ) is the biennial journal of the GMDC, a physical and virtual resource centre based in Southern Africa, managed by Gender Links with linkages in Africa and across the globe.
The journal is an intellectual but not academic journal. It provides up-to-date and cutting edge information on media diversity in Southern Africa and the space for the dissemination of research findings and projects; case studies; campaigns; policy developments; and opinion and debate on media practice in the region. Each journal covers latest developments but also focuses on a different thematic area identified in consultation with the GMDC advisory group.
The tenth edition of the GMDJ will focus on the topic of “Gender, media freedom and access to information.” The theme is mainly informed by the 2011 Windhoek +20 celebrations of the Windhoek Declaration on Promoting Independent and Pluralistic Media that was adopted in 1991 to improve media freedom in Africa. The May 2011 celebrations acknowledged the significance of the declaration in improving media freedom in Africa. Media activists are now turning their attention to another freedom of expression issue, access to information.
The two freedom of expression issues, media freedom and access to information, are rooted in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). It guarantees to every citizen “the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” A very narrow understanding of the meaning of this right has led to different interpretations of the duties imposed on governments and much concentration on the negative obligations of governments in fulfilling this right.
Issue ten will explore various aspects of media freedom and access to information. These include:
– How gender can be integrated into freedom of expression discourse
– The laws that are in place to enhance media freedom and access to information
– What research has been done to measure the gender disparities in media content as well as access to information
– What interventions have been made to ensure that the media is accessible to both women and men
– How gender can be mainstreamed in media and journalism training’s media law module and media freedom concepts
– Can ICTs enhance access to information and provide an alternative platform for women to be heard .
It will also raise some complex questions around gender, climate change and media. As with all editions of the GMDJ, contributors are encouraged to explore the gender and diversity dimensions of media freedom and access to information.
Contributions are sought in the following broad categories, but are not limited to:
In focus Topic
Overview and in-depth articles are between 3000-3500 words including references.
Media laws
Regional and National laws
Media content
Media policy and practice
Media training
ICTs and new media
Gender and other forms of “freedom of expression”
Gender and climate change
Case Studies
Please contact GMDC Manager Saeanna Chingamuka for more guidelines
Who can contribute?
We are looking for a broad range of contributors – activists, media analysts, academics, journalists, editors, etc.
Administrative and payment arrangements
The GMDC Manager will advise contributors of length and payment to be made for articles used when commissioning content. Only commissioned articles that are used will be paid an honorarium. All submission proposals must contain the following:
Specify the key area you would like to write on:
– Provide a 200-300 word overview/abstract
– Provide full contact details: your name, institution/organisation, telephone (including mobile number), email and the country in which you reside/country of origin
– Send to: Saeanna Chingamuka (Tel: 00 27 011 622 2877 or 082 229 2337)
Submission of abstract: 27 July
Deadline for submission of commissioned articles: 16 August
Deadline for revisions: 22 August
Requirements of all articles
Editorial guidelines are attached and MUST be followed in the writing of the articles. You will also be required to submit a photograph of yourself and visual material to accompany your article.
We look forward to receiving a diverse range of topics for consideration.
Saeanna Chingamuka
Gender and Media Diversity Centre Manager
Click on the document below for further information and editorial guidelines.
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