Local government joins the 365 day campaign

Date: January 1, 1970
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The Gauteng chapter of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) will host a one day conference on stretching the Sixteen Days of Activism campaign to 365 days on Thursday 30 November at Gallagher Estate.

Local government and gender violence
Partners: SALGA Gauteng, DWAF, Gender Links and GEMSA
Date: Thursday 30 Nov
Time 8.30-16.30
Cyberdialogue: www.genderlinks.org.za from 13.00 to 14.00
Closure by Deputy Minister of Local Government Nomatyala Hangana at 16.00
Venue: Gallagher estate
More information: Loveness on 073 115 9401

The meeting, being convened in partnership with the Department of Water Affairs (DWAF) Gender Links and GEMSA, is the first initiative by local government since the “365 days of action to end gender violence” conference in May to examine how the draft national action plan can be adapted to local level.
Issues to be considered include safety in public places like parks, cemeteries and taxi ranks; information on services available in communities; what local government can do to support places of safety and provide secondary housing for women forced to leave their homes.
Over 200 delegates from the 14 councils will also consider how the Take Back the Night campaign can be taken into communities and sustained on a year long basis through initiatives to claim back spaces that have become unsafe.
A major theme of the conference, that will be closed by Deputy Minister of Local Government Nomatyala Hangana, will be the link between gender violence and HIV/AIDS, and how councils can mount awareness campaigns on the need for survivors of sexual assault to avail themselves of Post Exposure Prophylaxis within 72 hours of the ordeal.
Delegates will also look at how existing local government facilities can be upgraded to “one stop” centres for survivors of sexual assault to ensure that they receive comprehensive services under one roof. They will consider how key dates in the calendar throughout the year can be used to raise awareness on the need to end gender violence. 
From 13.00 to 14.00 the Gender and Media Southern Africa (GEMSA) Network will host a cyber dialogue on the role of local government in ending gender violence linking delegates to councils and participants around the country.
Each council will draft an action plan to be taken forward after the conference.
For more information contact:     
Loveness on 073 115 9401

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