Mauritius: Modernising the electoral system from a gender perspective

Date: May 10, 2014
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Submission by Gender Links and the SADC Gender Protocol Alliance

5 May 2014

The paper on “Modernising the Electoral SystemÀ presented by the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Dr. Navin Ramgoolam, on 24 March 2014, shows the political commitment to gender equality at the highest level. Mauritius is at a unique crossroads in the count down to 2015, with both the exercise of special measures in local government in December 2012 and experience from SADC countries to draw on.

This submission by Gender Links and the Southern African Gender Protocol Alliance argues that Mauritius needs to seize this historic opportunity by 1) opting for the highest proportion of PR seats in any new mixed electoral system and 2) increase the ratio in the gender neutral quota from one third of either sex to half of either sex (50/50).

Download the submission from Gender Links and the paper by the Prime Minister below.


Download : Modernising the electoral system from a gender perspective - GL submission
Download : Modernising the electoral system - Dr Navin Ramgoolam

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