ANC 2009 Elections Advert_Woman Next Door

Date: January 1, 1970
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The television advertisement for the ANC for the 2009 South African elections features a woman, stating that she has been able to prosper thanks to initiatives set up by the ANC. The end of the advert shows Jacob Zuma speaking, encouraging people to vote ANC for a better life for all

This article may be used to:
  • Discuss gender and elections campaigns, including gender differences in voter education and political messaging.
  • Discuss political campaign tactics designed for women.
  • Raise discussions about policies and strategies to empower women, and political parties articulation of them.
  • Raise discussions about political parties, and the relationship between the personal and the political.
Trainer’s notes
The advertisement is designed for women, suggesting that women will benefit from greater opportunities, if they vote for the ANC. However, although the advertisements is positive in that it is showing that the ANC obviously considers women an important part of the electorate, it does not articulate what those initiatives and strategies are. The advertisement lacks and sort of specific mention of how women are being, and will be, empowered.
On the one side, the woman in the advert is demonstrated as empowered, she owns her own business, and has worked hard to get where she is today. On the other side, the images are very stereotypical, she is shown in a kitchen, owning a bed and breakfast, and making the bed, as well as visiting the hair salon.
Discussion Questions
  •  Is this advert affective? Would you change this advert? If so, how?
  • Is it important to conduct voter education and political messaging specifically designed for women? Why ?
  • Discuss the images found in the advert. Does the advert reinforce or challenge gender stereotypes?
  • Does this advertisement speak to women in business?
  • What are the messages in the video? Discuss the lack of specific strategies mentioned.
  • Are the messages and commitment to women’s empowerment reflected in the video the same as the ANC is known for? Jacob Zuma ?

Training Exercises

  • Ask women business leaders (which are referred t in the advert) to review and comment on the video. Does this speak to their interests and what they want to hear from a leader.
  • Analyse this advertisement against other ANC and Jacob Zuma communication and actions, are there contradictions? 
  • Conduct a survey amongst women and men. Do they feel government represents their needs? Do they feel there is a gender difference when it comes to whether politicians represent their needs?
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