Cyberdialgues Calendar 2008

Date: July 30, 2009
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Friday 14 Nov,
South Africa time
financing for women in the media
Part of the problem or of the solution
Media seminar
Financing for women in the media
Thursday 20 November
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
Financing SADC Protocol provisions on GBV
Put your money where your mouth is
GEMSA workshops in all countries and cyber links
Financial implications of the Protocol
GL Board room
Monday 24 Nov,
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
Taking stock
365 days; what action?
SA Accountability forum (reporting back and accountability
Regional progress in addressing GBV
Constitutional Court
Tuesday 25 Nov
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
Int’l day of no violence against women
Bua, Kuluma, Speak Out
Launch of the I stories
Regional dialogue on speaking out À“ with survivors of gender violence
Parktonian Hotel
Friday 28 Nov
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
Human trafficking
Stop modern day slavery, respect life, stop human trafficking
Screening of documentaries, SMS campaign, outreach programme
Dialogue on human trafficking; discuss cyber crime and how it exacerbates the problem
Monday 1 December
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
World Aids Day
A world free of HIV, AIDS and gender violence is possible. It begins with me and you
Paint T-shirts, Personal testimonies, information on PEP, Newsrooms launching policies
Dialogue on HIV and AIDS, provision of PEP in the region
MAP venues across Southern Africa
Tuesday 2 December

12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
Making IT work for gender justice
Switched on for Gender Justice,   Take Back the tech
SMS campaign, digital stories, phone in programme
How IT can empower women
Women’s Net
Wednesday 3 December
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
International Day for the Disabled Nothing about us, without us Face to face discussions Dialogue on how GBV affects women and men living with Disability Ekurhuleni Metro
Thursday   4 December

12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
Taxi violence, public transport violence
Driving towards peace
Launch of audio CD
Seminar on violence in public transport termini; CD Rom anti-taxi violence campaign
Ekurhuleni Metro
Friday 5 December
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
Violence and elections
My vote, my peace, my right
Cyber dialogue on gender dimensions of election violence
IEC training centre
Tuesday 9 December
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
Gender Based Violence and xenophobia
Umuntu, ngubuntu, ngabantu
Screening of film, Face to face discussion
Regional dialogue on xenophobia
Ekurhuleni Metro
Wednesday 10 December
12.00 – 13.00 South Africa time
International Human Rights Day, Wrap up: From 16 days to the next 365
Women’s rights are human rights
Media literacy graduation, Launch of 365 Day GBV calendar
Cyber dialogue on way forward À“ what priorities for 2009 should be
Constitution Hill.
For more information visit: or contact Loveness Jambaya on, or Mwenda Yeta Mkhize on Tel: 011-622-2877

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