Diversity Exchange, Issue 12, November 2010

Date: November 5, 2010
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Diversity Exchange Issue 12 | November 2010
Upcoming Events
GMDC Databases
– Case Studies
– Clippings
– Research
– Publications
Welcome Note
Welcome to the Diversity Exchange newsletter, a product of the Gender and Media Diversity Centre. This newsletter assists us in delivering to you relevant information, breaking news and dialogues or debates taking place in thesphere of gender and the media. While we work globally,included are first-hand perspectives from the African continent, as well as reflections in the worldwide forum. We hope that you will use this platform as a tool to voice your own thoughts on media, gender and diversity issues in times to come. Thanks for reading!
Gender and Media Summit and Awards
Approximately 160 participants from 13 SADC countries as well as the USA, Canada, India and Uganda, gathered at the Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 13-15 October for GEM Summit. Participants have raised a concern about increasingly poor media practice in the Southern Africa region, especially noting two glaring examples which occurred during the course of the three-day event: an article in Noticias, a Mozambican newspaper, and the Ugandan tabloid newspaper, The Rolling Stone.

Andrew Jones, our colleague and videographer for the Summit, passed days after the Summit. Read more…

Gender in Media Education Community of Practice: Call for participants
Following the Gender in Media Education Audit in Southern Africa, the GMDC has set up an online Community of Practice (COP) to continue the dialogue and knowledge exchange around integrating gender into media education. We are now seeking to populate this e-community and to begin collecting best practices, lessons learned and/or queries on your experience integrating gender into your teaching. Read more…
Call for student and academic research
A large function of the GMDC is to publicise work of academics and students from the global South. To make this resource fully functioning we request a constant influx of theses, papers and publications. If you are an academic who has published on gender, media and/or diversity, if you have a student who has similar works, or if you are a student kindly send them to Jennifer Elle Lewis. Read more…
Ear on radio
Emmanuel Nkomo, Radio Dialogue, has begun a community radio programme on HIV and AIDS and gender-based violence, as well as on support groups in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Through the programme, listeners have been made aware of what may constitute GBV, in this case HIV-positive persons who demand unprotected sex. Read more…
GMPS Case Studies
As part of the Gender and Media Progress Study more than 100 case studies were collected from the region. These case studies highlight best practices in the coverage of gender, HIV and AIDS, gender-based violence. They also offer examples of reporting that needs improvement. These case studies have now been incorporated into our Virtual Resource Centre. The Gender Links Case Studies are an invaluable resource to media educators and trainers. They offer specific and current examples of gender in the media in Southern Africa, and are accompanied by a training guide. Read more…
Citizen Journalism Africa project
SANGONeT has spearheaded the Citizen Journalism Africa Project (CJA). The projects aim is to build capacity among selected civil society organisations to use online and offline citizen journalism as a means of publication, lobbying, networking and knowledge-sharing within their respective constituencies. The project empowers those in the fields of gender, children and youth, HIV and AIDS and rural communities to use both traditional and digital media strategically to support democratic processes and a diverse and independent media environment. Read more…
GMDC Advisory Group meeting
On 12 October the GMDC hosted our bi-annual Advisory Group Meeting. The theme of the meeting was Taking stock of the GMDC and was intended to assess how well the GMDC is meeting the benchmarks previously laid out. Eighteen existing and potential members took part, comprising media educators, media professionals, activists and independent researchers. Kathy Matsika (NUST and GMDC Chair), facilitated the meeting. Ways forward include the signing of MOUs ( a necessity for internships), an editorial board for the GMDC journal and greater use of training materials and student research. Read more…
Eye on video
Community Media Trust (CMT), a not for profit media production company, has produced educational television in the fields of health, HIV and AIDS, education, gender-based violence and other human rights issues. CMT believes that the media plays a key role in combating GBV and promoting gender equality. CMTs work on gender can be divided into media messaging and training. Two products are the educational television series Siyayinqoba Beat It and the recent documentary A Country for My Daughter. Read more…
16 Days of Activism. 25 November to 10 December
During the 16 Days of Activism campaign from 25 November to 10 December, the GMDC will host a series of seminars and cyber dialogues. The 16 Days campaign has provided a rallying point for governments, NGOs, CBOs and other stakeholders in the region to mount events aimed at raising awareness, influencing behaviour change and securing high level political commitment to end gender violence.

This year there are three seminars planned:

Media debate on the coverage of GBV. 18 November, 2010

GBV and the Internet. 29 November, 2010

Sexual Orientation and GBV. 2 December, 2010

Read more…

Upcoming Events
Past Event: SANPAD Women in Research Conference. 26 to 28 October.
From 26-28 October 2010 SANPAD hosted the conference 2010, a milestone or a millstone in advancing womens participation in research? Kubi Rama of Gender Links presented on the Gender in Media Education Audit at this conference. This conference offered fertile ground for solidifying the GMDC partner base with South African institutions of higher learning. Read more…
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism: Investigating and Reporting Service Delivery. 4 to 6 November, 2010
The Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (IAJ) is organising a training course for journalists designed to assist them to develop a better understanding of the service delivery framework in South Africa, and help them to investigate and report on service delivery in more systematic, analytical, and proactive ways. Read more…
Evidence for impact: Using and commissioning research to inform policy and practice. 15 to 19 November, 2010
The Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD) is hosting a workshop from 15 to 19 November which is aimed at leaders and managers tasked with using research and evidence to develop and implement interventions, policies and programmes responding to HIV and AIDS and health systems in eastern and southern Africa. Read more…
Transforming Masculinity Workshop, Malawi. 8 to 12 November
WCC-EHAIA Southern Africa has put a considerable focus on Transformative Masculinities through workshops, seminars, development of resource material and intercontinental sharing. The previous two workshops, a national one held in Lesotho and a regional one held in Swaziland, have been very effective is giving men the space to discuss issues pertaining to themselves, in the current era of HIV, and in unpacking much of the negative stereotyping of men, which has had a detrimental impact on mens engagement in issues of gender. This workshop, kindly hosted by the Malawi Council of Churches, will be a regional workshop involving participants from Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa and Rwanda. Read more…
Sisters with blisters, Bryanston. 27 November
Jacaranda FM is hosting a walk on the 27th November 2010 at The Campus in Bryanston. this walk is intended to raise awareness and funds on child abuse. Proceeds of the initiative will go to the Leigh Matthews Trust and Women Against Child Abuse. Read more…
Reporting on HIV and AIDS in South Africa, IWMF, January 2011
The International Womens Media Foundation (IWMF) is offering 10 fellowships to enhance news media coverage of complex issues surrounding HIV and AIDS in South Africa.†¨â€ ¨ The IWMF will partner with media organisations in South Africa to identify eligible senior reporters working on HIV and AIDS. Read more…
GMDC Databases
Women can do any job men can do_Midweek sun
The article is about Ditsietse Ofaletse, a female truck driver. For Ditsietse, working in an industry that is traditionally dominated by men is an inspiration on its own. She is a proud holder of an Extra Heavy Duty drivers license and works at Dumela industrial site in Francistown. She says, I encourage women not to despise themselves. They are more capable of doing what men can do. The era that require hard labour is over. Read more…
BCP women campaign for leadership positions_Botswana Gazette
The article is about the campaign for Botswana Congress Party Womens League (BCPWL). The race is led by BCP activists Tebogo Dingake to replace the outgoing BCPWL President Joyce Mothodi who is expected not to defend her position.The elective congress has been scheduled for November 6 at Selebi- Phikwe. Read more…
Condoms in prison debate rages_Mmegi
The article is about issuing of condoms to prison inmates as a way of curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS. The issue of whether to distribute condoms in prisons is a hot potato that has pitted the government against AIDS organisations. It has pitted Vice President Mompati Merafhe and the Executive Director of the Botswana Network on Ethics Law and HIV, BONELA, Uyapo Ndadi. Read more…
Global Media Monitoring Project
The 2010 Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) provides a one day snapshot of gender portrayal and the representation of women and men in newspaper, television and radio news simultaneously in 108 countries including 27 African countries. The findings constitute a body of evidence on the current extent of gender sensitivity and gender equity in mainstream news around the world. In combination with data collected every five years since 2005, the GMMP 2010 results allow for comparisons between regions as well as globally, across GMMP research years. Read more…
GMPS Case Studies
As part of the Gender and Media Progress Study more than 100 case studies were collected from the region. These case studies highlight best practices in the coverage of gender, HIV and AIDS, gender-based violence. They also offer examples of reporting that needs improvement. These case studies have now been incorporated into our Virtual Resource Centre. The Gender Links Case Studies are an invaluable resource to media educators and trainers. They offer specific and current examples of gender in the media in Southern Africa, and are accompanied by a training guide. Read more…
Internet chat rooms: new meeting places for real identities
The anonymity associated with Computer Mediated Communication has formed the basis of an assumption that fantasy is a prominent feature of interactions taking place via the internet. Some of the literature argues that through fantasy identities all participants are able to become whoever they want to be, creating new virtual communities where equality between members is fundamental in their interactions. The findings of this dissertation suggest, however, that anonymity is limited by the reasons for chat room participation. Further, all the members are not equal, with a clear hierarchy evident as one logs onto the site. Read more…
Case Studies
Dad too drunk to remember having sex with his daughter_The Voice
A 37 year old man facing a defilement charge after allegedly impregnanting his girlfriend’s under age daughter said he was too drunk to remember if he had sex with the girl. This article was published in the Voice, Botswana, on October 29, 2010. Read more…
Life in Congo – The Star
First, the rebels killed four of Joseph Munyaneza’s children in 1997. The family fled to another village. The following year, that village came under siege. Another four children died of gunshot wounds. Then the baby, of malnutrition. Today Munyaneza, a 52-year-old Protestant pastor tenderly cares for his 17-year-old daughter who is in hospital after being kidnapped by rebels a month ago. When the rebels tired of raping her skinny body, they forced a stick up her vagina until it protruded through her side. Read more…
Lashes of Inspiration – The Times
Male sports presenters need to beware. Their job security will be on the line if 27-year-old Mabasotho Lenko has anything to do with it. Lenko is determined to become South Africa’s premier sports presenter. Currently on Weekend Live, she gives viewers a lively update on the week’s fouls, red cards and goals scored. Becoming a sports presenter was completely accidental, she says. She studied marketing at the IMM Graduate School of Marketing. Read more…
Tales of the lionesses: the third African Feminist Forum
The struggle for womens rights remains a critical concern of our times. Actors as diverse as the UN Security Council and Goldman Sachs are starting to recognise that gender equality and womens rights remain not only a moral imperative but a pragmatic priority for development and peace. Curiously, as the equality agenda gains mainstream prominence, the terms on which it was first tabled, feminism, and its target, patriarchy, appear to have been demoted to footnote status, if mentioned at all. Read more…
Gender in Media Education: An audit of Gender in Journalism & Media Education and Training
The Gender in Media Education in Southern Africa (GIME) is the most comprehensive audit yet undertaken of the gender dimensions of journalism and media education and training in tertiary institutions in Southern Africa. Read more…
2000 to 2010: Ten Years of the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Achievements and Challenges
Ten years have elapsed since UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security was adopted. What progress has been made on its implementation? What has been accomplished as a result of this important instrument? And what are the remaining challenges to overcome? Read more…
Internships Members
Call for Interns
As the Gender and Media Diversity Centre is the knowledge centre of Gender Links, it is only natural that the GMDC would assist in passing that knowledge along to the next generation. With this ideal in mind, Gender Links actively engages with youth through our growing Internship programme. Working closely with partner institutions, the GMDC crafts the scope of this programme based on the needs of the particular university or institution of higher learning.

We are currently seeking interns for our next cycle, January to June 2011. Interested institutions must establish an MOU with Gender Links. Read more…

International Womens Media Foundation
The GMDC welcomes its newest member, the International Womens Media Foundation (IWMF). Founded in 1990, IWMF is a vibrant global network dedicated to strengthening the role of women in the news media worldwide as a means to further freedom of the press. The IWMF network enables women in the news media to join together in new ways to share ideas, resources, strategies and career advice. IWMF also offers innovative training to women in the news media, which provides them with the skills they need to succeed in their career and become leaders in their newsrooms. Read more…
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