Call for submissions

Date: December 14, 2010
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Second Annual Local Government and Gender Justice Summit and Centres of Excellence in Mainstreaming Gender
28 – 30 MARCH 2011
“365 Days of local action to end gender violence: Halve gender violence by 2015”

At the close of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign, Gender Links is calling on local councils to “stretch the 16 Days to 365 Days” by entering submissions for the Second Gender Justice and Local Government Awards.

Applications are invited in the following categories:

1. Projects application form

Categories include:

  • Prevention
  • Support
  • Response
  • Women empowerment
  • 16 Days Campaigns and Cyber Dialogues

2. Leadership application form

3. Institutional application form

In addition GL will be recognising Councils that have completed the six stage process to become Centres of Excellence (COE) in Mainstreaming Gender at the Local Government level, and offering awards to those councils that have shown exceptional commitment through leadership and implementation.

The deadline for submissions is on, or before, Monday 14 February 2011 at 17h00. Verification of entries will take place from 14 – 18 February 2011, and those shortlisted will be notified by 21 February 2011.

Applications can be downloaded for the 2011 Gender Justice and Local Summit and Awards webpage or applicants can submit completed application forms (online, fax, post or hand delivered) available from the Gender Justice and Local Government Summit page. Photos, newspaper articles, clippings, and other documentation that can strengthen your application can also be submitted, e.g. CD’s, DVD’s, testimonials, etc.

For more information about the Second Gender Justice and Local Government Summit and Awards, contact Abigail Jacobs-Williams or call 011 622 2877.


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