Gender, community radio and soccer 2010

Date: January 28, 2011
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On the cusp of the FIFA World Cup, the discourse around economic empowerment of women has largely been ignored. In particular, voices of informal traders, primarily female, are not heard in mainstream media. Community radios which target marginalised groups can tap on this opportunity and cover stories around the economic empowerment of female traders during 2010 in their programming.

In response to this, Gender Links in partnership with the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) and Ecumenical Service for Socio-Economic Transformation (ESSET) hosted a seminar on World Press Freedom Day to discuss the role of community radio in “giving voice to the voiceless” during Soccer 2010. Further, 3 May marked World Press Freedom Day branded, Freedom of Information: the Right to Know,. This theme allowed   the celebration of the existence of community radios as an important platform in which citizens can exercise their right to know.

Read the seminar report below.

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