Gender mainstreaming Centres of Excellence in Media Education and Training

Gender mainstreaming Centres of Excellence in Media Education and Training

Date: June 24, 2011
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This concept paper outlines the process to establish Gender mainstreaming Centres of Excellence in Journalism and Media Education and Training in institutions of higher learning in Southern Africa. The process emerges from the Gender in Media Education Audit. The Audit measured if and how gender is mainstreamed in journalism and media education and training. The research highlights gaps and good practices in institutions of higher learning across the region.

The COE approach builds on experience that GL has gained working with local councils in the 10 countries in the Southern African region. GL is working with 100 local councils to integrate gender into the councils and their work. The local government COE is a sustained seven stage process that combines policy development, implementation, capacity building and monitoring and evaluation.

Download : Centres of Excellence in Media Education concept note

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