Report on SADC Protocol@Work summits 2014

Report on SADC Protocol@Work summits 2014

Date: May 28, 2015
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The governments have to account for actions taken to meet the 28 targets of the SADC Gender Protocol, a unique sub-regional instrument that brings together existing global and continental commitments to gender equality through showcasing progress on the ground. The 2014 summits provided a platform to mount pressure to press home the gains in the SADC region, especially in aspects of increasing the proportions of women in decision making. The summits brought together local government, civil society, national government, business and media to discuss the region’s gender equality progress in line with global developments, and redefine its priorities post 2015.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which also framed the SGP have targets that expire in 2015. It is clear from the annual SADC Gender Protocol barometer that the SADC region will not achieve the 28 targets of the SGP and neither MDG 3 which aims to promote gender equality and empower women. The 2014 summits provided an interface between government and civil society to showcase the results on the ground while at the same time thinking beyond 2015 on how to achieve gender equality.

The 2014 summits were held under the strapline “50/50 by 2015 and a strong post 2015 agenda”, the initiative that had the support from the SADC Gender Unit. The summits made concerted calls for increasing the momentum on implementation in the run up to 2015.

Download the summit report below.


Download : 2014 Summit report

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