Draft Results Framework

Date: October 8, 2017
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The draft results framework defines key indicators and how progress will be tracked and reported against. The results framework is based on the AU Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goal targets and indicators. It will be rigorous to ensure credibility, reliability and verifiability of knowledge that will be generated and therefore enable greater influence on policy and practice across the AU.

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One thought on “Draft Results Framework”

IFPRI has developped a tool intitled Women Empower in Agriculture Index (WEAI) that could be maybe useful to consult and inform the result framework. The tool has 5 domains that can be measure.

1. Decisions about agricultural production Sole or joint decisionmaking power over food or cash-crop farming, livestock, and fisheries, as well as autonomy in agricultural production.
2. Access to and decisionmaking power over productive resources: Ownership of, access to, and decisionmaking power over productive resources (land, livestock, agricultural equipment, consumer durables, and credit)
3. Control over use of income: Sole or joint control over income and expenditures.
4. Leadership in the community (“Community leadership”): Membership in economic or social groups and being comfortable speaking in public.
5. Time allocation: Allocation of time to productive and domestic tasks, and satisfaction with the time available for leisure activities

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