BALA sings the rhythm of gender_Global Post

Date: July 29, 2011
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Name of story: BALA sings the rhythm of gender

Name of Journalist: Itumeleng Mfila

Name of Publication: Global Post

Date: 280711

Country: Botswana

Theme: Gender equality

Skills: Fairness

Genre: News

Gem classification: Gender aware


The Botswana Association of Local Authority (BALA) is steadfast to counter myths and practices that perpetute gender descrimination.

In an interview, officer at BALA Ludo Matshameko said the association has already mooted out strategic measures and a plan in that direction and that at least 18 workshops have since been hosted to generate the required awareness among stakeholders.

She said that during the workshops ,all the 16 councils in the country came up with two plans on how to tackle this issue. She observed that the fight by the association started in 2008after findings from a research by Gender Links on issues of gender in local governance confirmed that the voices of women were not heard at the local governance level and that something should be done as a matter of urgency.


Download : The Botswana Association of Local Authorities is steadfast to counter myths and practices that perpetuate gender discrimination.

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