Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation: Gender Policy

Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation: Gender Policy

Date: August 6, 2010
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This policy aims to ensure gender balance and gender sensitivity at all levels. The MBC recognises its responsibility to achieve the objectives of the policy and to act as an agent for promoting gender equality in the rest of society.


Download : MBC Draft Policy report: October 2003
Download : MBC Gender Policy

0 thoughts on “Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation: Gender Policy”

Kelsie says:

We missed Mana 2 years in a row now and your video makes our hetras ache! We were in Zim in April/May but high water at Mana so had to do with HIFA. We will try to be there next year; hope you can discourage the Luxury Hotel . We miss Umwinsidale beyond words! Best wishes, Fred and Renate

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