Growing controversy over teen pregnancy, The Guardian

Date: January 1, 1970
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The article concerns the policy of the Education Department of Namibia that requires teenage mother to take a year off school to care for their babies.

Trainer’s Notes:  The article refers to a number of sources, including the mother of a teenage mother, government sources and human rights activists.  It also deals with HIV/AIDS and the impact on young women. The article advocates for gender rights and the protection of young women from discriminatory policies and laws.                                                                     
Training exercises: Trainees should interview a teenage mother to investigate the impact on missing out on a year of school for her. Trainees could also investigate the reasons for the high rate of teenage pregnancy in Namibia                                                                                                                                                                                          
Links to Training Resources:  Gender and HIV/AIDS: A Training Manual for Southern African Media and Communicators, Gender Links and the AIDS Law Project, Chapter 4  and Chapter 10

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