Title of the story: Head scarves raise hackles
Name of Journalist: Fatima Asmal-Motala
Name of publication: Mail & Guardian
Date: 20 November 2011
Country: South Africa
Theme: Religion, gender equality
Skills: sources, perspective, images
Genre: News
GEM classification: Gender aware
…Rude and embarrassing treatment by passport officials over religious dress upsets local Muslims
Muslim woman has lodge a complaint with the department of home affairs after officials at the passport control section of OR Tambo International Airport allegedly told two of her daughters that they needed to remove their headscarves for identification purposes. Quraysha Ismail Sooliman, a lecturer in the department of political science at University of Pretoria said her family was leaving South Africa for a Middle Eastern tour on Christmas day when a passport control official told her 16-year old daughter that he needed to see her hair. She told her she wasn’t wearing a headscarf in her passport photo, which was taken when she was 13, and he needed to see her hair. My daughter responded that wasn’t necessary as her face was clearly visible.
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