Public education and awareness
1. Strengthen capacity of men and boys to reduce gender based violence in partnership with women and girls.
1. Develop and implement a comprehensive communication strategy to combat GBV.
negotiation skills.
2. Strengthen partnership with traditional and religious leaders to instill positive norms and values on gender relations.
2. To develop indicators and tools to have baseline data for effective impact assessment
3. Enhance community capacity to condemn gender based violence.
3. Training for men and boys on legislation, human rights, communication skills/
4. Adequate and effective monitoring and evaluation of prevention, education and awareness programs.
4. Consult and attain buy-in from religious and traditional authorities to promote gender equality.
Media and communication
1. Increase the levels and depth of media coverage on gender specific issues and gender violence as well as an increase in the number of stories that mainstream gender.
1. Ongoing monitoring and feedback.
2. Ensure that information and reporting on gender violence is easily understandable, clear and educative.
2. Developing gender policies in media houses.
3. Involve all the media and representative media bodies e.g SANEF, NCRF in the 365 Days programme and NAP process to ensure maximum impact
3. Developing a directory of sources on gender violence, HIVand AIDS and guidelines for covering gender based violence
Legislation and policy
1. Access for all women to justice within the criminal justice system
1. Sexual Offences Bill passed by second quarter of 2007
2. Develop, enact and implement a comprehensive legislative framework that gives effect to rights of women to be free from gender based violence by May 2008
2. Resolve status of and finalise the development of the roll-out of specialised /dedicated courts by November 2007.
3. Cost laws in place and develop business plans.
3. Justice Ministry to fund meeting between Justice Ministers and think tank of civil society once every year.
Criminal justice system
1.Integrated case management operating on minimum standards with a view to increasing conviction rates of perpetrators of gender based violence
1. In line with existing target on contact crimes, reduce the rate of sexual offences by 7% each year
2.Reduce secondary victimization by improving services to survivors of gender based violence
2. Introduce a separate police reporting category for domestic violence
3.Alignment of targets and success indicators within the Criminal Justice system
Specialised facilities
1.Ensure every survivor of gender violence has access to specialised services
1.Audit of all specialized services, assess audit to influence best practice model and develop a best practice model
2.Minimise levels of secondary victimization
2.Roll-out plan and Strategy for sexual offences courts, including establishing immediate link with existing NGO service providers
3.Standardise and coordinate services between stakeholders and partners
3.Develop a joint, integrated training plan for Gender Based Violence (GBV) and child abuse. Set up body to co-ordinate above tertiary education to include VEP principles in reference to GBV and child abuse (Global And International Priority)
Comprehensive treatment and care
1. To deliver on a comprehensive programme on treatment and care of survivor/victims of gender based violence.
1. Implement the National Policy on Sexual Assault Care Practice and the Management Guideline À“ an oversight committee must be established by the gender focal point directorate of the dept of health (this structure must include provincial representation, and civil society organisations) by 2007
– provide information to all role players on the policy and guidelines
– provide information to survivors/victims on the services and their rights
– educational materials for role players on the issues (with an emphasis in using materials already developed by NGOs and others)
2. Develop a comprehensive national policy and guidelines for the treatment and care of victims/survivors domestic violence
– using as a model the development of the sexual assault policy and guidelines 2007
3. Each province must develop a comprehensive plan to establish psycho-social and mental health care for victims/survivors of gender violence start 2006 end 2007
Infrastructure and places of safety
1. Ensure sustainability and strengthen existing shelters and services
1. Identify and address gaps in the legislative and policy framework to enable effective implementation
2. Clarify and align the roles at local and provincial government levels
2. Implement programmes through budget allocation for sustainability (Mid Term Expenditure Framework)
3. Extend facilities (shelters) to rural areas
3. Coordinate structures and systems to regulate meetings of key role players (from governmental to non-governmental organisations) to address the needs of shelters
4. Mobilise resources for shelters (e.g. infrastructure, finances and human resource or skills development)
4. Formulate a policy framework on partnerships between governmental and non-governmental.
5. Establish and strengthen existing provincial shelter networks À“ roll-out of minimum standards and developmental quality assurance of services
6. Create a safe environment through infrastructure development and maintenance
7. Establishment of victim friendly facilities. SAPS should have collaborative partners if they adopt a multi-sectoral strategy
1. Legislation and Policy (Response) – The timeous development, promulgation, resourcing and implementation of legislation and policy to effectively prevent and respond to the violence against children. This legislation and policy must be integrated, appropriate, complementary and harmonised with international conventions of children.
1. Establish the agreed coordinating structure and a secretariat based in the office of the Deputy Minister of Local Government; seek technical expertise through the United Nations for such a structure if necessary.
2. Service Delivery (Care and Support) – The timeous implementation of services to respond to violence against children that are accessible, child-friendly, integrated, inter-sector and in line with international conventions.
2. To create safer space for children in their own communities and environments by addressing infrastructure(roads, lights, signs that make it safer for children to travel. Develop support for familiessuch as child care, recreation facilities, parenting training programmes and develop capacity in school geoverning bodies.
3. Prevention –To research causes of violence against children and translating these findings into prevention strategies, programmes and mechanisms making child-protection everybody’s responsibility.
3. Engage with SAPS regarding obtaining specific statistics on domestic violence and ensuring that this aspect of gender violence can be effectively monitored. Identify the overarching indicators for the plan and publicise them during the Sixteen Day campaign.
1. Harness the capacity of all stakeholders; develop partnerships and synergies, assign each other roles and responsibilities around the shared goals of ending gender violence.
1. Establish the agreed coordinating structure and a secretariat; seek technical expertise through the United Nations for such a structure if necessary.
2. Enhance ownership and accountability and maximize impact through concerted action.
2. Finalise the short term action plan covering for the next six months; receive any additional inputs for the medium term action plan by the end of June; consult widely with other stakeholders by 9 August; (adopt the next 365 Day Action Plan at the end of 2006 Sixteen Day campaign?)
3. Ensure that the action plan is effectively led, managed, implemented, monitored and evaluated.
3. Engage with SAPS regarding obtaining specific statistics on domestic violence and ensuring that this aspect of gender violence can be effectively monitored. Identify the overarching indicators for the plan and publicise them during the Sixteen Day campaign.
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!https://t.co/6kPcu2Whwm pic.twitter.com/d60tsBqJwx
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024
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