Influences of Mediated Violence

Date: October 28, 2009
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The subject of children’s and adolescents’ relations to media has been on the agenda as long as media – books, press, recorded music, film, radio, television, etc. – have existed. With each new medium come both hopes and fears. In the public debate, the hopes have been for better opportunities for information/ education, culture/entertainmnet and social relations – even peace – between persons, groups, cultures and countries. The fears have concerned the possible injurious influences of media contentsas well asof using the medium per se.

This booklet deals with research on media violence and will have little to say about research on other possible offensive or harmful influences – or the plentiful research on other possible offensive or harmful influences – or the plentiful research on the media’s potentially positive and desired influences. The booklet also limits itself to the screen media – film and television, digital games, and the internet (mobile phones included) dealt with in different sections – because at present, the risks of these media are the most debated issues in relation to young people.

ISBN: 978-91-89471-81-8
Publisher: NORDICOM
Year of Publication: 2009

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