Institutional – Best practices

Date: April 1, 2011
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Summary of good practise

RADRIAMAHEFA Justin, Madagascar
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Although concept of gender is quite new for the council of Tsiafahy. After careful observation of the benefits of mainstreaming gender in the policies of the council, the members of the counsellors, the staff of the commune led by the mayor have voted unanimously for the imperative necessity of an action plan that takes into account Gender and GBV. The action plan is aimed at the empowerment of women and the sensitizations within the associations of women and the local structures.

RAVOAJANAHARY Herinaivo, Madagascar

Numbers of women in the council of Soalandy are victims of violence (conjugal, gender based violence). In response to the complaints received within the council, the mayor and his staff decided to give their support to these women through encouraging legal marriage; promoting women’s Rights, advising women to practice family planning

RAZAFINDRA-KOTO Jane Aline Diana , Madagascar
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Our collective is a kind of platform of associations of women. With regard to violence against women and conjugal violence, we have created a listening centre to support women psychologically and give them advice and information on how to resolve their problems. At the centre, many victims of violence come to see us. From their inquiries we could establish a policy for the fight against violence that consists, on one hand, involving men in this fight, and on the other campaigning in the field in order to define the main causes of violence.

Nolungisa Rwalumbana, South Africa
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The Alfred Nzo district council does a lot of working around empowering members of the community to take ownership in addressing issues of GBV and gender inequality

Peter Manqunyane, South Africa
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The Nkonkobe district council does a lot of work around gender mainstreaming has decided to institutionalise a gender action plan.

Raymond Havwala, Zambia
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This institution has a drop in centre to survivors of GBV. A network was also established as a way of advocating and raising awareness to men.

Richard Nawa, Zambia
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The organisation has established a men’s net as an approach of preventing gender based violence

Josephine Ncube, Zimbabwe
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This council focuses on mainstreaming gender across all levels in their council

Nisha Chetty, Mauritius
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The Curepipe council focuses on working towards a violence free town and have taken a range of actions to reduce GBV.

Lovemore Malianga, Zimbabawe
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This institution focuses on reducing GBV through women empowerment programmes

Biggie Nana Imasiku, Zambia
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The council participated in the Provincial GAP and GBV and has since mainstreamed the plan in their day to day activities and have also included the plan in the council budget.

Muroki Mmamotsinaka, Botswana
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This council has managed to institutionalise gender mainstreaming and has carried out a range of activities.

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