Institutional good practices

Date: June 30, 2010
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This category called for submissions from councils who have begun to institutionalise programmes and strategies for addressing gender based violence and the empowerment of women in local communities and how they work together with all stakeholders for eg. lobbying for a GBV budget in strategies and plans.

13 entries from 5 countries were received for this category and they focussed on implementing gender action plans, providing shelter to economically empower women, establishing women in local government forums, participatory budgeting and using information technology.

To view the presentations click on the links in the table below.






Actions entreprises par les Autorités communales face Á  un cas de viol d’une fille de 11 ans, Commune Urbaine Ambatondrazaka, Madagascar

Developing and implementing a gender action plan, Gobabis Municipality, Namibia Providing shelter/housing to economically empower women, Swakopmund Municipality, Namibia
Shelter for Women with young children, St Anne’s Homes, South Africa CDM 365 days Action Plan, Capricorn District Municipality, South Africa Palmerton Child Care Centre, O.R. Tambo District Municipality, South Africa
Municipal socio-economic programmes, Witzenberg Municipality, South Africa Women’s Fair Share, Women in Local Government Forum, Cape Winelands District,South Africa Participatory Budgeting, Kabwe Municipal Council, Zambia
Victim offender conference project, Restorative Justice Centre, South Africa Addressing gender equality brings progress and less violence in the community, Tongogara Rural District Council, Zimbabwe

Using mobile technologies in campaigns against GBV, EKOWISA, Zimbabwe

Rose of Charity Orphanage, Victoria Falls Municipality, Zimbabwe


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