Kenya’s women still denied land despite change in Law

Date: November 15, 2012
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Name of the article: Kenya’s women still denied land despite change in Law

Name of publication: The Star

Name of journalist: Sarah McGregor and Simone Clark

Date: 18 July 2012

Country: South Africa

Theme: Land

Skills: Perspective, sources

Genre: Analysis

Gem classification: Gender aware

For Mary Sadera, a farmer in Kenya’s Rift Valley, none of the sweeping rights women won two years ago matter if she doesn’t own the land she tills. A rail-thin mother of 11, she is entitled to it under the new constitution adopted in 2010. That’s on paper. In reality, her husband, John, who no longer beats her and let her manage three acres (1.2 hectares) of the family farm by herself, can’t imagine actually putting any of it in her name.


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