Kolektif Drwa Imin

Date: February 15, 2022
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Call for Proposal for a Research on the Economic Cost of GBV in Mauritius

The Kolektif Drwa Imin (KDI) is a group of NGOs and collectives, comprising of Gender Links, Kolektif Drwa Zanfan Morisien, and Young Queer Alliance; advocating for the rights of children, women and LGBTQ persons.

With the support of the Kaleidoscope Trust, KDI has been able to roll out several in-country projects since 2020 ranging from Research, Legal Environment Assessment, Sensitisation Campaigns and various social media and advocacy campaigns.

In April 2020, KDI presented the findings of a groundbreaking research on the Perception of Violence towards Women, Children and LGBT persons in Mauritius. The findings of the research demonstrated that:-

  1. Drug and crime are spontaneously cited as the main social issues in Mauritius. Half of the respondents mentioned domestic violence as a social issue.
  2. Violence spontaneously evokes fighting/hitting to nearly 4 out of 10 respondents and domestic violence to 1 out of 4 respondents. While child abuse is associated to violence by 7% of respondents, no one mentioned violence towards LGBT.
  3. Physical and emotional violence are the 2 forms of violence with the highest awareness : respectively 96% and 86% of respondents spontaneously have cited them.
  4. Women are considered as the primary victims of violence by nearly 90% of respondents followed by children (56%).  As far as LGBT are concerned, they are perceived as victims of violence by  8% of respondents.

Some resources produced by KDI:-

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