Leadership – Best practices

Date: April 1, 2011
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Summary of good practise

AHMED Amina, Madagascar
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Renowned for her charisma and passion in the fight against gender based violence (GBV), Amina AHMED is appreciated for her role as a leader and her innovative approach to alleviating gender inequalities

RAHARINITSIMBA Lalao Mandimbisoa, Madagascar
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Chair of the councillors, RAHARINITSIMBA Lalao is known for her great interest for gender based violence (GBV) against woman in particular. In order to help women in her locality, she took part in the improvement of road infrastructures in her district, ensuring the building of classrooms,

Ravololomboahangy Holisoa, Madagascar

Ravololomboahangy Holisoa is a young activist who became rapidly a leader in the fight for gender equality and the combat against gender based violence (GBV), due to her conviction and her personality. She became a “championÀ of these causes in different domains in which she managed. She contributed greatly to the involvement of men in the fight against GBV and young people (boys and girls) in the “30-50% movementÀ in decision posts.

Daniel Philippe, Mauritius
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Daniel Philippe has been working with a deprived community to empower the inhabitants and reduce gender based violence (GBV) issues within her community.

Joelle Rabot, Mauritius

Joelle Rabot has been part of an outreach programme that seeks to empower girls in a deprived area through community development

Councillor Aaron Daka, Zambia
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As RDC chairperson and Cllr, Aaron has been instrumental in championing GBV and HIV issues at ward level. He has on several occasions been asked to grace occasions in his ward with this regard.

Councillor Archangel A. Mbewe, Zambia
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Cllr Mbewe has assisted with the formulation of policies, laws and regulations to ensure that gender issues are mainstreamed in all levels of governance. Being part of the COE also indicated that as a councillor it was important to ensure that gender mainstreaming is made possible within the local council.

Councillor Christabel Samante, Mwenda, Zambia
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She has been a Cllr since 2001; she was also the first female Cllr to be a deputy mayor in Kabwe and served two terms. She has been sensitizing young girls and women around issue of gender based violence (GBV) in her ward.

Councillor Hildah Grace Chewe Hambale, Zambia
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Cllr Hambale has been very instrumental and hard working and she has been nick named as grandmother for all the people (Nakulu people) in her ward. She has also participated actively in all GL activities in Chingola. She also served as a paralegal officer attached to VSU

Councillor Julie P Shambulo, Zambia
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As an area Cllr, Julie has been actively involved with gender based violence (GBV) campaigns in her ward, she also has been very actively involved in her community

Councillor Sangulukani Isaac Zulu, Zambia
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Cllr Zulu has been actively involved ensuring that there is an inclusion of Gender in the council budget, during the time he served as part of the finance committee. He has also actively been involved in GL workshops and chaired the cyber dialogues during 16 days of Activism

Councilor Gerry Chama, Zambia
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Cllr Chama was the Mayor of Kabwe town during the period that Gender Links had conducted research in Zambia and played a key role. Since then he has participated in gender budgeting with NGOCC and organized massive campaigns in his ward on GBV.

Tasila Hara, Zambia
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As an area Cllr, Tasila has been actively involved with the door to door GBV campaign in her ward, she also participated at the first Annual Gender Justice and Local Government Summit

Theresa Lesa, Zambia
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As a council librarian, Theresa has been actively involved at community and church level, championing issues of gender and GBV.

Lucia Mkandhla, Zimbabwe
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Lucia Mkhandla is actively involved in gender issues and is the Secretary for WLGF

Patricia Muchekesi, Zimbabwe
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Patricia has been championing gender issues within her council and addressing GBV issues in community

Precious Mufahore, Zimbabwe
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Supporting elderly people through awareness programmes and interventions.

Councillor Louisa Bwalya, Zambia
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As a Cllr and a practicing nurse and midwife for over 30 years, Cllr Bwalya has always been a gender champion. She has used her career to educate women on the dangers of GBV and has given treatment to victims of rape and defilement. As an area Cllr during the 16 Days of Activism campaign she mounted up a successful Take back the night campaign in her ward

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